Friday, June 02, 2006

Join the Rest of us in the 21st Century

This is an open invitation to all those who are current paper-based test advocates to join the rest of us in the 21st Century. We live in a dynamic, technologically evolving world and it is time for change.

When I was young, I was the "remote control" to change channels for our single family TV. Today, my kids do not even know how to change the channel manually and if I am not mistaken on certain models of TVs you cannot even change the channels manually without a remote control! Heresy you say? I do not think so, I think it is just progress.

So, maybe we have embraced the reality of remote controls as a necessary and even advantageous component or our daily lives but where else might we be clinging to the past? Hmmm could it be in the testing area?

I recently heard a prominent test sponsor state, "we have always delivered our tests on paper and we will NEVER change." Too bad. I am sure they had their reasons, but I must ask what could drive a person to such an extreme statement? Cost? Security? Fear of the unknown?
Until recently cost and security might have been legitimate issues but those have been largely addressed though advances in technology. So I am left with "fear of the unknown" as the remaining possible rationale for a "never change mentality". Too bad. I actually prefer to change my channels using a remote - I am sure my children appreciate it.


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4:18 AM  

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